Tuesday, April 26, 2005

My blog

I must admit I had no specific intentions when I started this blog. I thought it would be a cool place to talk a little golf & hockey and mostly to force myself to analyze my poker game. It's tougher to lie to yourself when you put it in writing. Also, this space gave me a source to practice something that has always been a weak point of mine, writing. I never thought of becoming a player in the blogger community; I was comfortable just lurking from the outside.

Then today two things happened that I thought were pretty cool:

First, I got my first bit of pimpage. The Blogfather himself has mentioned my little PG&H blog in one of his infamous Guinness fueled uber-posts. True, it was along with a couple dozen other blogs, but it's still cool to see your name in lights.

Second, I got my first non self-inflicted comment. It was from none other than the newly crowned WSOP blogger representative himself, Bob at One2Many. I guess I never actually expected people to read what I have to say. It's pretty cool to have someone stumble by.

Now I'm going to ponder what else I want to get from this bit of work avoidance. I won't have much time to do so if I plan on reading Iggy's uber-post, damn this one is long. It's going to take half a day to read it and the other half a day to stare at his last photo.


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